To Remember or Not…..

Life often times becomes obsessed with today and tomorrow. So much so, that it seems to be born everyday only to die day after and be born again. Then, might we say –

“All life is but a pursuit to evade the Past?”

As I walk through the pavements of my memory today, I encounter countless moments which have been resisted from remembrance – only to make me comfortable in my mind. Thus, naturally we do not recall the one time when we broke out in tears out of fear or lost someone out of one’s own selfishness or chose to ache an ailing heart because its bearer had done a mindless act offending our sensibilities.

The more I see, the more I know that in all my trysts with the Past, it is not the past itself which suffers. Rather the ghosts of people residing in it bear the violence for they have become frozen in time. As I choose to grudge against certain memories, I opt to lemmatise their agents, thereby gathering my power over the ghosts in the memory.

Yet, I forget that even today would become a memory tomorrow. And the people I meet today would be the ghosts I would want to freeze tomorrow….Just like I would become a ghost to forget tomorrow in the mind of a certain other who seems to be unimportant today…

So, do I choose to remember? Or do I opt to forget?

Knowing that my memory becomes the only gateway for someone to exist?

I must admit that I have come to this realisation after reading about the Award Winning Broadway Show “Dear Evan Hansen” (based on the book of the same name by Steven Levenson). It is indeed a very thought-provoking musical.

Has anyone watched it?!

Please, do let me know in the Comments Section…


My First Nomination – The Versatile Blogger Award!

Hello Everyone Reading This,

I am too excited to have received this wonderful award nomination, the sole credit of which goes to TishaCutiefromBrainyessays…I hope to improve over time and maybe work up to this felicitation..

But for now to run over the basic conditions of the award:

What is the Versatile Blogger Award?

• The versatile blogger award is given to bloggers by bloggers as a recognition of the uniqueness of their content and individuality.

• It is also a way to honor bloggers who bring something special to your life whether everyday or now and then.

• The award is run by VBA.


  • Thank the person who gave you this award. (Check)
  • Include a link to their blog. (Check)
  •  Next, nominate 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly

I follow number of bloggers of which I have humbly selected the following candidates for nominating under the award:

  1. TheWriterSquad
  2. PatriceClarkson
  3. SawaMinori
  4. Isabella’s Blog
  5. Farah’s Blog
  6. MissInk
  7. PatrickStories
  8. NenaGarcia
  9. Luis’s Blog
  10. InvestInYourself
  11. Muriel’s Blog
  12. Shivangi’s Blog
  13. StoriesInBetween
  14. TheMaximoBlog
  15. Sophia’s Blog

Do scroll through each of these blogs, they are indeed sites for creative action and thought.

  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

Seven things about me…hmmmm

Gear up for the fan and the fantastical…

  1. My routine during holidays is usually restricted to eating, sleeping and reading mindlessly.
  2. I am a “die never” fan (if that’s a phrase) of Adam Young the lead vocalist of Owl City.
  3. I enjoy loads of junk food – though it doesn’t seem to affect me (envious already?)
  4. I draw, paint, craft and cook as well (though occasionally)
  5. I like dogs, cats, squirrels, rats, guinea pigs and hamsters besides giraffes, lions, cheetah, wolves, tigers, deer and panda (when I see them at the Delhi Zoo)
  6. I intend to own a zoo someday (this is NOT inspired from the movie “When We Bought A Zoo”) besides my house 🙂
  7. I often like the things the hate – but I hate them because I like them too much


So, if you made it here…kindly give a clap to all the nominations (including myself)

I thank Tisha again for bringing this joy to me…. I hope it only gets better from here…


Much Love,


The Ache of Azure

Chaos is in order

The string has broken its chord

As insanity dances freely

the truth is over awed

As rain washes itself in the sea

Mountains dissolve in the sand

Humanity chases itself

While Hand demands a hand

From the last death comes the first cry

Living becomes a panorama of sorrow

If such be the plight today

What comes of ringing tomorrow ?

Three Days, Three Quotes, Three Tagged Challenge (3D3Q3T) Day 3

The Third day for my 3D3Q3T challenge introduced to me by Lana Cole at Lana’s Blog

I have chosen a quote from my favourite book to mark my successful completion of this task – Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel Cervantes

Of that incredible Spanish book, I have chosen this particular post because it brings out a very interesting dichotomy between two concepts that intermingle in our everyday – “facts” and “truth”.

Should they choose to accept, my next three nominations for this challenge are as follows:

  1. Mark Ryan’s Blog
  2. Eric’s Blog
  3. Love A Good Yarn

Cheers to the spirit of learning!


Image courtesy:

Three Days, Three Quotes, Three Tagged (3D3Q3T) Day 2

So, it is my second day of Lara Cole’s Quote challenge to me and I believe I am doing just fine…

The Quote for today has set my mind on ignition of thought. It is as similar as saying –

“If reality is a constructed image, how do we know we are real?”

With these words, I nominate three more of my fellow bloggers for this challenge and I hope they would love to carry this energy forward!

  1. Ramblings From an Unpaved Mind
  2. Sophia Ismaa’s Blog
  3. Echo Edition

Till tomorrow then!

